
God’s Freedom is unavailable, but you can change that!

Part Six of Barnhouse’s commentary, “God’s Freedom,” examines Romans 6:1–7:25. In these chapters, the apostle Paul describes the concept of Christian liberty, including the believer’s freedom from sin, the freedom from the law, the freedom unto holiness, and the freedom to be a servant of righteousness. Among the 19 messages are “A Call to Holy Living,” “From Death to Life,” “Living with the...

no way makes it necessary to think in literal terms of the metaphor. For example, our English word “iron” means a certain metal, the most abundant and useful of those that are found in the metallic state. But who would think of metal in finding the meaning of the phrase, “He has an iron constitution?” Or who would think of metal in hearing that “the iron entered into his soul?” That phrase originated in an error in the Vulgate translation of a Hebrew line in the Psalms and has come down to us through
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